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In the "Automations > Manage"-list theres a column "Status", where the number of errors / warnings in the automations are listed.

In FME-Server 2019.2.1 it was possible to remove those numbers by clearing the automation-logfile.

In FME-Server 2020 it's not possible to clear the logfile anymore. So how can I remove the numbers of errors/warnings in the Automations-List?

The "clear Log"-button has gone, but there's a new "Log action" button instead. What is this for? It doesn't seem to do anything...?


Thanks, Vera

Hi @vki​ ,


In 2020, we decided to remove the Clear Log button. We thought the option to clear an automation log was too readily available which could cause issues when auditing an FME Server. Therefore the option to clear an automation log was removed from the UI (it is still available in the REST API if you have superuser permissions).


To clear the log in the UI now disable the automation and enable it again. Then, you should see a refreshed log. The full log will still be available through the REST API or though the Download log button if the Server Admin ever needs it.


As for the log action, it acts as a filter. If anyone else reading it hasn't noticed it it's located here:




It will display any messages coming from a Log Action in your automation.2020-08-25_14-55-51


Please let me know if you have any questions!


2020-08-26 08_21_18-Automations - FME ServerThanks @siennaatsafe​ 

I might be able to clear the logfile by stopping and restarting an automation, but how can I get rid of this status (x4):


As it is now, all errors an automation ever had just get added up in the status.

A lot of our automations run daily and it would be very practical if this status would just refer to the last time, the automation has been running.

Then an "error"-status would catch my attentions immediately and I could fix the error and reset the status.

(What's the point in adding them up?)

Hi @vki​ ,

By restarting the automation, you should be able to clear the errors. The errors come directly from the log so if the log is restarted you should not see any of those error symbols, unless the automation immediately errors once it restarts.


I tested this out for myself with my FailedTest Automation.


This is before the log reset: 2020-08-26_09-11-31


and this is after:




I've passed on your feedback to our Product Owner for Server and see what they think about giving users an easier way to clear errors. Maybe, the user could click a button that clears the errors and in the automation log there could be a message that says "admin cleared errors and warnings".


Update: The product owner just got back to me and there was a bug in 2020.0 where restarting the log did not clear the errors. This was fixed in 2020.1


Also, if you have any ideas for improvements we could make the Ideas page is a great place to start
