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Is it possible to use multiple CRON triggers in the same Automation, also while "passing" values from one workspace block to another using values from an embedded Automations writer? Essentially I would like to set up a single Automation that triggers at a given time, completes a number of steps, and then "waits" for a second CRON trigger to continue with additional steps, and with the additional steps part of the routine using a value from an upstream block.

Hi @pmcpherson​ ,


Thanks for the great questions and interesting scenario. At this time workspaces are limited to one trigger per workflow meaning you can't use the merge to merge a new trigger into the workflow. If this is useful for you I would recommend creating an idea for this enhancement. For now, I think you are going to have to use two automation workflows and have a staging/temp table to hold the values you want to pass to the second part of the workflow. We'd love to hear more about this scenario, and if others have similar needs.

I was able to come up with a work around, but thanks for following up.
