How to stop automation to send out error emails after it exceed a certain number?
I have a flow automation runs every 5 minutes, and will send out a notification email if a job failed.
That becomes an issue if a problem that caused the job to fail hasn’t been resolved soon since the automation will continue to send out error email every 5 minutes.
Is there any way to stop sending email after e.g. 10 emails or to reduce the frequency for sending error emails? I still want the automation to run every 5 minutes, even some job failed, but want to get just reasonable amount of error emails.
so I reconfigured the automation to connect to portal every 5 minutes see if the automation will exhaust the refresh token limits. It hasn’t , but I got lots of error emails when portal server went down unexpectedly.
I thought FME flow might have some function to get to what I need. Was thinking about logger/counter to track the failed connection attempts.
I don’t have much experience with rejected feature handling, will look into that.
Thank you for your suggestion, I will try to get the reject port to a counter, see if I can get what I need.
Now when I start to think about counter, instead of connecting reject port to a counter in the workspace, I may need a different workspace to connect to the job failed port of the previous workspace just for counting, which will then send email if count is certain value...