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I would like to automate a process on IFC files analysis in order to generate an Excel report per IFC file. To do this, I use the workspacerunner by giving a directory which contains all the IFC files to analyze. But I can't write Excel files in this same directory. I created an attribute containing the target directory name, but I cannot give it to my "destination data" transformer.

How is it possible to customize the "destination data" transformer ?

Thank in advance

Best regards



Your workspacerunner is running a different workspace, in this workspace you need to create a parameter (right mouse click on User parameters) which is called for example "Destination_dir” and make sure it's published. Make your writer use the value of this parameter as the write location. Go back to you main workbench and double click your workspacerunner. The new parameter shoud be there as a field that you can fill in. If it is not, try to reselect you workspace that you want to run to force FME to fetch the settings again.


Hi Birgit,

Thanks to your explanations, I was able to create an attribute which retrieves the name of the input directory and which I was able to transmit to the workspace runner. The underlying workbench correctly retrieves this directory name in the published parameter 😀

Thanks a lot



@bruno if you mark @birgit’s answer as the correct one, the question will be marked as answered.
