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Hi all,


when you run a job manually on FME server there is a field to receive email with the job result.


However when I want to schedule the same job there is no such field.

How can I receive a email with the result of a scheduled job? This should be very easy like in when you run a job one off.


You'll have to set up the DataDownload_Email_JobSuccess subscription in the Notifications. FME Server does not come with outgoing email capabilities itself so you'll need to have your own SMTP server (or credentials from a service)

It seems I can not cope with this subscriptions stuff. Any step by step guide appreciated.
It seems I can not cope with this subscriptions stuff. Any step by step guide appreciated.

Yeah, notifications can be tricky, but this one should be too bad.

  1. Get the credentials for an outgoing email service. This can be a Gmail, Outlook, Office365 or Yahoo account, or an account on a SMTP server (like I have done). If you don't have this, your IT department should be able to help you out. If they can't, you can't send email out of FME Server.
  2. Go to the DataDownload_Email_JobSuccess subscription and edit its settings:
  3. The security credentials from step 1 should go into the first five boxes, it's the outgoing mail server, port number, username and password and the security used. The rest you can set to whatever you like. Email To will be overridden by whatever the user puts in that box when the workspace is run.

It is possible to set up something similar with Automations, but a little bit more involved. You'll need to have your workspace write the data to a temporary location and then have an email action pick that up. Note that you'll still need access to an outgoing mail server for that.

It seems I can not cope with this subscriptions stuff. Any step by step guide appreciated.

Do I need to put something in the POST to Topic in the scheduled task here:



Do I need to put something in the POST to Topic in the scheduled task here:



You could do that, but that would mean you (or your users) would have to set that every time. You can also set that when you're publishing the workspace to FME Server (click the Edit button behind the Data Download service) and then set it to trigger the DATADOWNLOAD_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS topic (which, in the default FME Server setup, triggers the Datadownload email subscription).

It's been a while since I've last used this option so I'm not entirely sure, but I think the Data Download service triggers this topic automatically.

You could do that, but that would mean you (or your users) would have to set that every time. You can also set that when you're publishing the workspace to FME Server (click the Edit button behind the Data Download service) and then set it to trigger the DATADOWNLOAD_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS topic (which, in the default FME Server setup, triggers the Datadownload email subscription).

It's been a while since I've last used this option so I'm not entirely sure, but I think the Data Download service triggers this topic automatically.

I got it working.

It is the



topic and subscription. In the sub if I put my email I got the message. However this means all jobs that have this topic notified will send me an email.

How can I have my job only to send me an email. Other jobs to send emails to their owners.

I got it working.

It is the



topic and subscription. In the sub if I put my email I got the message. However this means all jobs that have this topic notified will send me an email.

How can I have my job only to send me an email. Other jobs to send emails to their owners.

Well, that's tricky... it'll send the results to whatever is specified at runtime. E.g. if one of your users enters your email address there you will get the notification email. not them.

If you want to only have emails sent to the owners of the workspaces you'll need to set up separate notifications/topics per workspace owner.

You can duplicate existing notifications and topics and change their settings.

Well, that's tricky... it'll send the results to whatever is specified at runtime. E.g. if one of your users enters your email address there you will get the notification email. not them.

If you want to only have emails sent to the owners of the workspaces you'll need to set up separate notifications/topics per workspace owner.

You can duplicate existing notifications and topics and change their settings.


@FME team: I think this granular email notification for scheduled tasks must b much easier. Like the one when task in run ad-hoc.
