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Hey there,

I have written a workbench where I get some data from some weather-stations and generate the average temperature for that station as a line in a new Excel file.


It works great but we have 100 Weather stations and I want to make it with all of the stations and get the excel file with 100 lines...


I imagine it like:

for i in 0..99 loop



writeDatain Excel(i)

end loop


But I have no way to do those loop in FME Desktop or Server. Or at leat I do not find it...

Has anyone any idea?

thanks a lot

You are looking for the WorkspaceRunner (desktop) and the FmeServerJobSubmitter (server).

How are you fetching the data from the weather stations? I think you should be able to achieve this in a single workspace without using a runner by fetching the data and using a group by and then writing to an excel file

How are you fetching the data from the weather stations? I think you should be able to achieve this in a single workspace without using a runner by fetching the data and using a group by and then writing to an excel file


I am using the httpcaller in this way:

imageI have one URL per Station... How can I get more than one URL?

Thanks in advance

You are looking for the WorkspaceRunner (desktop) and the FmeServerJobSubmitter (server).


thanks for the idea. I did not know the transformers. Can I using the parameters, call a workbench 100 times? Can I set a counter per workbench as parameter in order to download the right URL? like URL_1, URL_2...


I am using the httpcaller in this way:

imageI have one URL per Station... How can I get more than one URL?

Thanks in advance

If for example, you have a csv containing a url for each station you can send a request per station using an attribute as your request url

