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I'd like to send an email upon completion of a workspace in an Automation. The email needs to contain a link to the log file URL.

In the traditional Notification/Subscription workflow I could achieve this by using the {logUrl} email template key in the Subscription.

In Automations, this key no longer exists and I only have access to the {job.log} key, which expands out to the file path and not the URL. I don't see any URL in the topic JSON if I monitor a topic sent as output from the completion of the workspace. Is the URL available at all?

I spoke with Safe support and it appears that this is not currently possible out of the box.

It may be possible to build up the log file URL yourself using the {} but you'd need to hard-code the FME Server REST API url into the Automation Email body, so that won't work as a solution that needs to move between different FME Server environments.

If the FME Server web URL could be exposed as a key then, in theory, you could do all sorts of great stuff...

There's a related Idea here, if you want to vote for it...
