I have an almost identical setup for a different source file type (xml) and that works perfectly, specifically the automation says it ran successfully, the jobs run as they should, and the files are moved and renamed.
I can manually trigger the workbench in automations by adding the manual trigger and it performs correctly.
I tried separating that one workspace into a different automation that is triggered by a topic at the end of the first one, that doesn't work.
I can test the topic trigger and that makes the automation and workbench run, and things work correctly.
It seems I can only get it to work by triggering things manually.
It works fine on desktop.
The paths are all UNC.
I've experimented with adding the path to resources and referring to the location using that.
When things don't work, there is no error and no relevant warnings.
Thanks for any ideas.
FME Server 2022.1.3
Build 22630 - win64
Desktop Client is also 2022.1.3