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If there is a FmeServerJobSubmitter transformer with options:

Wait for Job to Complete = true


Will it keep http connection untill job is done?


Yes I believe it should - Is that what you are experiencing? Or is it failing after a certain amount of time?

Yes I believe it should - Is that what you are experiencing? Or is it failing after a certain amount of time?

So the connection is between engine and web server or other components (like core?) take part it it as well?



It fails in my case after 5 min and I don't know what may be the case here. Submitted job is still running but submitter fails after that time. I got infromation that i may be because of load balancer but hmm...

So the connection is between engine and web server or other components (like core?) take part it it as well?



It fails in my case after 5 min and I don't know what may be the case here. Submitted job is still running but submitter fails after that time. I got infromation that i may be because of load balancer but hmm...

Ah I see you also posted this question:


Did you get in touch with support? The core is likely involved. Basically it just makes a HTTP call to the FME Server as I understand it.


You can test out the HTTPCaller with you're own call following this structure:


To simulate the 'waiting' you should use the 'opt_servicemode' directive and set it to sync.



You should also be able to just copy the Direct URL from the advanced section when you go to run this job directly from FME Server. I think by default the opt_servicemode is already set to sync. This way you will also get a response
