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FME Flow - FeatureReader 'Single Output Port' to achieve 'Feature Types to Read'

  • 9 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi All,

I have created a workflow in Form and now wanted to publish it to Flow and make available to my team but am very new to Flow tbh. One of the inputs is a gdb and I have set up the Output Ports to ‘Single Output Port’ and wanted the user to pick the feature class from the GDB in the ‘Feature Types to Read’, see below:


If I published the workbench to the, would the ‘Feature Types to Read’ be available to the end user? I would be good to have some insights on how to achieve this,

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +39

You’ll able to expose it and have it visible but it won’t auto populate with the featureclasses in the GDB.

This is because until FME runs, it doesn’t know the schema of the data. If you look at the log when you add a reader to Form, you’ll see that an FME process actually runs, this is reading the schema then setting up the reader for that specific dataset.

That is also why sometimes when you change a source dataset but don’t update the reader, you get messages about extra featureclasses
