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FME Flow doesn't seem to resolve $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCES_DATA) parameter

  • 17 May 2024
  • 0 replies

Hello fellow FME enthousiasts,


I've run into an issue with a FME Flow parameter in FME Flow 2024.0.1:

We have a automation that uses an Email-IMAP trigger to scan an email-box.

Whenever a new email with a certain text in the subject gets detected, the automation get's triggered and any attachments are saved to a designated folder under 'Recources/Data’.

Since the e-mail box is being used for several projects i've build in a small workspace that checks the sender, if it is from an unexpected sender the attachments and folder they are in get deleted and the automation stops.

Workspaces that checks for sender, if failed deletes attachments

As input I use the ‘Send from Address’ and ‘Email Attachments Folder’ from the automation. With a logger in the automation i checked what the content of the ‘Email Attachments Folder’ is: 

$(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA)Bijlagen POC A5H\20240517134534-POC_dashboard_A5H-Fwd__Jeroen__test_bijlagen-0ac262ed-55a4-4301-b0cc-3a2e53ae76a1.

When I run this through the SystemCaller, with a rmdir command, to remove said folder i get an Error saying it doesn't recognize the folder:

SystemCaller: Command 'rmdir "$(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA)Bijlagen POC A5H\20240516151844-POC_dashboard_A5H-Fwd__Alliander__test_bijlagen-bcfcebf4-9a7e-4ac9-a3ef-0358c7cbd02d" /s /q' exited with status '3' which may indicate an error

So it doesn't seem to recognize the $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA) Parameter part. If I hard code the location it all works fine.

The workaround i'm now using is to use a ParameterFetcher and to replace the $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA) part from the automation with the output of the ParameterFetcher.

This doesn't seem to be working as intended, or am I missing something? Can other FME Flow users maybe reproduce the issue?


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