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have a job I have created in FME Desktop 2017.1 which processes a file, and I
use a filecopy transformation to move the file to an archive folder once it has
been processed.

job uses two parameters, one for the working folder and one for the archive
folder. I have published the job to an FME Server (version 2017).
When I run the job manually from the Server from the "Run Workspace"
page the job runs correctly. However, when I schedule the job to run
automatically it fails at the filecopy transformation, it is treating the file

is a screenshot of the FME job, showing the two published parameters, and how
the filecopy transformation has been configured. The job starts with a Path transformation
which is populated from the [INPUT_FILE] parameter.

Below is a screenshot of the job running as scheduled, the
errors are shown in red.

Here is the same job running, the only difference being I
ran it from the “Run Workspace”.

Any pointers/suggestions are extremely gratefully received, thank you.

Could you perhaps post a screenshot of the schedule definition, in particular the published parameters used by the FILECOPY writer?

From the scheduled job.


From the resources page

I notice that you have a space in $(D0036 Files), and I'm wondering if that's fully supported. Would it be possible to create a copy of this resource without the space in the resource name (not the display name, the space should be ok there) and try again?

Thank you, that did the trick.

So no spaces in your FME Server Resources :-)

Thank you, that did the trick.

So no spaces in your FME Server Resources :-)

Great to hear that it worked. Although it sounds like a small bug, since it works when you run the workspace manually. Please consider reporting this to Safe support, linking back to this thread.
