Hi everyone,
I am currently trying to use the NeighborFinder transformer in Group-By mode to match features from SDE A on features from SDE B.
I'm using Group-By to only match objects of the same type (trees with trees, bollards with bollards, etc) and with the same vertical datum class (ground-level with ground-level, below-ground-level with below-ground-level, etc.).
However, some feature classes in SDE A do not have a vertical datum class attribute. Using the NeighborFinder in Group-By mode, none of my objects match, since SDE A has <Missing> vertical datum classes, and SDE B has correctly filled in ones.
For these feature classes it is alright for the NeighborFinder to only use the obect type attribute.
I want to avoid using multiple NeighborFinders in my workspace.
I have tried constructing a special Group-By attribute, concatenating the two attributes. But I can't seem to find a nice way for SDE B to not include the vertical datum class when the SDE A featureclass doesn't have it.
Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks in advance!