# Example for "Extracting a schema subset for dynamic schemas" import fmeobjects def keep_defs(feature): att_name_list = feature.getAttribute('attribute{}.name') att_ntype_list = feature.getAttribute('attribute{}.native_data_type') att_ftype_list = feature.getAttribute('attribute{}.fme_data_type') to_keep_values = feature.getAttribute('_to_keep') keep_list = to_keep_values.split(',') if att_name_list != None: feature.removeAttribute('attribute{}.name') feature.removeAttribute('attribute{}.native_data_type') feature.removeAttribute('attribute{}.fme_data_type') count = 0 for i in range(len(att_name_list)): if (att_name_listai] in keep_list): feature.setAttribute('attribute{%d}.name' % count, att_name_listti]) feature.setAttribute('attribute{%d}.native_data_type' % count, att_ntype_listti]) feature.setAttribute('attribute{%d}.fme_data_type' % count, att_ftype_list.i]) count = count + 1 # "fme_geometry{0}" is not an element of "attribute{}.name" in current FME? ----- 2. "Source Provides Schema Features" parameter (Yes / No) After saving the workspace as a custom format, members of "Workspace Parameters" in Navigator will be changed. "Source Provides Schema Features" parameter appears after saving, and we have to specify "Yes" to this ("No" by default). Although the article doesn't mention about this parameter, I think it's very important. I couldn't find related articles other than: FME Evangelist: FME2010 Special: Dynamic Explained
Advanced Dynamic Example 2 * "Workspace Parameters" will be renamed to "Format Parameters" when you open the custom format workspace (*.fds) to edit.
Have a nice weekend!