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Hi,   Any alternates for Select by Attributes ??



could you be a bit more specific?



Select by geometrie!
Take a look at the Reader FeatureType and you'll see a 'Format Attributes' tab. You can expose some of these to select and filter your data as they will give you more to test like what colour (fme_color) or style (autocad_linestyle) is your data set to or what is the layer (fme_featuretype) or filename (fme_basename).
I have a polygon file(.shp). I want the data from one column of the attribute table, and select only specific rows (falling in the same region).


 Suppose the column name is CITY and from that CITY column, I want to select only those rows having the city named as California.



You can use several transformers for that. The tester, testfilter and attributefilter are the most commonly used for this.







Thank you everyone for the reply !!!


AttributeFilter was the transformer I was looking for.


But yes...AttributeFilter doesnot give option for "Get Unique Values" !!



I'm not sure what is the actual requirement. Could you please post simplified data example, including input attribute values and expected result?



It should since it scans your feature and returns the values found in an attribute. I agree with Takashi, it would be easier to answer if you formulate your question clearly and present some data.



if you need a list of all the unique values for e.g. CITY, use the DuplicateRemover transformer.



That being said, it would be most helpful with more details about what you're trying to accomplish.



You might try the UniqueValueLogger in the FMEStore, it will report all the unique values that your data has in a field to the Log window to help you understand how to test or filter your data in the best way.