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Hi all, 


i've got a strage error. I have about 30 ArcGIS Online readers that i want to read, update and write back to ArcGIS Online. Now, the update part with the Changedetector workes fine. (Dont look at the mess 😉

The problem:

When i run the workspace, it gets all the 41K features that are in there. The other ones are skipped because it is not found. This works as it should work. 

After that it tries to search in groups accessible to the user, and then it says "error running translation”. 


Does anyone know how to fix this? I have attached the log file and the workspace.


Thanks in advance!



Hi ​@Jonathan Slope

From your logfile (starting from around line 637), it seems like your ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader is having trouble finding the correct Feature Service, and I think the issue might be with your Feature Service name. If I recall correctly, FME has trouble accessing Feature Services with a ‘/’ in the path, although that was a bug that should have been fixed a few versions back. The other possible issue is that your Feature Service names may be too long. Would it be possible for you to try writing to a test Feature Service with no special characters and a shorter name? 

Thank you ​@saraatsafe, I will look into it!
