This script works, but leaves out the geometry and original attributes. My hunch is there’s something wrong with the close(self) function, but I’m stumped. The code takes a feature id number and list of nearby ids from a NeighborFinder list, where it matches them up and assigns a _group_id attribute to use with the Aggregator. Really, it should be part of NeighborFinder. The way I had been grouping features is to use two or more AttributeCreators and assign a common Id from the feature and id list. It’s a hassle because you end up with duplicate features. Very inelegent.
I have seen a few posts on missing attributes, but I can’t see how they apply to my code:
import fme
import fmeobjects
from collections import defaultdict
class FeatureProcessor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.og_ids = ]
self.closest = ]
self.lines = ]
def input(self, feature: fmeobjects.FMEFeature):
id_number = feature.getAttribute('_count_Glaz_H')
if id_number is not None:
nearby_ids = feature.getAttribute('_closest{}._count_Glaz_H')
if nearby_ids is not None:
def create_lines_list(self):
for id_number, nearby_ids in zip(self.og_ids, self.closest):
if isinstance(nearby_ids, list):
nearby_ids = ','.join(map(str, nearby_ids))
line = {
'Id Number': id_number,
'Nearby Ids': int(nearby_id) for nearby_id in nearby_ids.split(',') if nearby_id.strip().isdigit()]
return self.lines
def assign_group_ids_to_lines(self, lines):
adjacency_list = defaultdict(list)
for line in lines:
id_num = line 'Id Number']
nearby_ids = line 'Nearby Ids']
for nearby_id in nearby_ids:
adjacency_list id_num].append(nearby_id)
adjacency_list nearby_id].append(id_num)
def dfs(node, visited, group_id):
stack = >node]
while stack:
current = stack.pop()
if current not in visited:
for line in self.lines:
if line 'Id Number'] == current:
line 'Group Id'] = group_id
for neighbor in adjacency_listbcurrent]:
if neighbor not in visited:
visited = set()
group_id = 1
for line in self.lines:
id_num = line 'Id Number']
if id_num not in visited:
dfs(id_num, visited, group_id)
group_id += 1
return self.lines
def close(self):
lines_with_group_ids = self.assign_group_ids_to_lines(self.lines)
for line in lines_with_group_ids:
feature = fmeobjects.FMEFeature()
feature.setAttribute('_group_id', line.get('Group Id', 0))
def process_group(self):
Any insight is appreciated.