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I am new to FME and I have been trying to run a process that was created by someone else. Most of the process works but when the the last process runs I get this error


"An error occurred while attempting to stop an edit session. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147024809'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {ArcGIS product not specified. You must first bind to an ArcGIS version prior to using any ArcGIS components.}

Some error has occurred during shutdown of the writer, see previous error

Some error has occurred during shutdown of the writer, see previous error

A fatal error has occurred."


I have tried to look this error up on google and several other sources but my inexperience with FME and it's processes have me stummped at where to look. I am very familiar with ESRI and geoprocessing and looking at our databases things seem correct. I am processing to a File Geodatabase off of a versioned SDE GDB. Is there anyone who could point me in the right direaction to fix this error and finish this process.


Thank you in advenced


Interesting error. It is a shame to get such when so new to FME! Don't let it put you off.



My initial thoughts would be to check that you only have one version of ArcGIS installed as FME and that this version corresponds to the File Geodatabase and ArcSDE version that are being used.



Also, if you are using ArcGIS 9.1 or lower and FME 2013, you may have issues as FME 2013 no longer supports these older versions.
Hi Stevenc,



I searched for this error as well, but didn't get proper results. As additional information to what Kathy said, here the link to FMEPedia about FME and ESRI Compatibility.





Hello Steve


That is a strange error. Re that number,  this question seems to mention it as well, so it could be something to do either with a null value or encoding of an attribute value. But I've also seen references to it that talk about coordinate systems - so it could just be a generic error number.



For the "You must first bind to an ArcGIS version" part, I see that occurring where there is a problem dropping or truncating the destination table. But what version of FME are you using? All of the reports I see related to this are fixed in FME2012 or newer. If you are using FME2011 or older then an update might solve the problem.



If none of this helps then probably the best thing to do is submit a case to our support team. Include your workspace and log file so we can see exactly what is going on.









Mark Ireland


Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc.
