Hi, @conch!
Thanks for posting on the Safe Community Forums! To best help you out, could you give more details about what you meant by "not returning way or relation items into the downloaded file (if this is possible)?" Also, could share a sample screenshot of the HTTPCaller and the syntax you are using (if possible).
Thank you!
I’ve found LLM’s to be good ways to craft these types of queries and explain the syntax.
This is one I’ve used before for specific types of buildings, looking for multipolygon relations only. You should be able to remove the filter on building type to get all if that’s what you’re wanting.
With an HTTPCaller, post that to http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter
Hi @ctredinnick
thanks for that code snippet. It does work when turned into a URL based query but didn’t achieve exactly what was required. It did however lead me to some extra information I found on the Overpass API page that led to a modification of the query I was using - just needed to add the “areabuilding];” statement into the above queries.
Thanks for your help!