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When reading a PostgreSQL table with FME Workbench (2023.1) that has been droped (or renamed) before, the error in the logfile looks like:

"Error executing SQL command ('select * from "schema"."table" where false limit 0'): 'ERROR: Relation »schema.table« does not exist".

Despite of this error the logfile says that the "Translation was SUCCESSFUL". (The parameter "ignore failed reader" is already set to NO.) I need to know, if a table has been deleted (or renamed).


So, how can i make the translation fail on missing input PostgreSQL table instead?



I can think of different solutions with their own disadvantages.

You can force a workspace to fail using a Terminator.

  • Check with information_schema.tables if the table you want to read exists before you read it.
    • Requires a SQLExecutor and a tester for each FeatureReader.
  • Use the NoFeaturesTester from the FME Hub to check for output.
    • This only works when the required table always has records or you will get false positives.

Thanks for your answer. If it was just a single workbench, these solutions would be fine. My problem is that I have many workbenches with many PostgreSQL tables and I don't want to customize all of them.

I'm more looking for an option like "ignore failed featuretypes" (same as "ignore failed readers") that I can set to NO so that the workenches will fail if a featuretype is missing...

