Please try it like this: {requestKeyword} It's documented in FME Server 2013 like that - I'll test myself in 2012 shortly
Hi again vision,
The {requestKeyword} works but I don't think it is going to give you the information you are looking for - it just returns the name of service the job was submitted to and so it will return: "FILE_DOWNLOAD_SERVICE"
Is there something specific from the request you want to include in the email? In 2013 there is mechanism to pass parameters from the job request through to the email that migh help you. In 2013 when you submitt a job, if you include a URL parameter prefixed with “nm_” then it will create a keyword with that name which can be used as a placeholder in the email template. In FME Server 2012 it is fairly limited what we can with the emails please see here:
<FMEServer>/Docs/Referenc Manual/FME_Server_Reference_Manual.htm
Thanks for your assistance here - in FME 2010 we simply used the %request% parameter in our template file to provide the FME workbench request string & any parameters used.
Your FME translation (job ID 212837) has succeeded. Click on the link below to download the result:
INFO: FME Request Parameters
"Google_Earth/Feeder_trace/Feeder_trace.fmw" -XML_PARAMETER <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST><FME_DIRECTIVE name="OGCKML_1_DATASET">!FME_AUTO_DIR_NAME!\\feeder_all.kml</FME_DIRECTIVE></TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST> --FME_SECURITY_ROLES "guest"
NOTE: This download file will only be available for 7 days, then it will be deleted.
I've just done a Google search for {requestKeyword} and stumbled across this JSON sample.
Which lists {request} as the parameter which returns the FME Server Response information about the workbench & parameters we are after.
"request": "\\"Samples/earthquakesextrusion/earthquakesextrusion.fmw\\" -XML_PARAMETER <?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>\\n<TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST><FME_DIRECTIVE name=\\"OGCKML_1_DATASET\\">!FME_AUTO_DIR_NAME!\\\\quakes.kml<\\/FME_DIRECTIVE><\\/TRANSFORMATION
For some reason 2012 Server is not providing this information in the email - I even tested by putting a <fmeblock type="optional"> with some other text in the block as well as the {request} parameter, and the block doesn't appear - which would mean there is no data being parsed for the included {request} parameter.
Unfortunately I really need to get to the bottom of this - as we're upgrading our FME Server 2010 in Production very soon, and the users will expect the same email format - especially the request string being included.
Maybe there is a FME Server config I just need to tweak...
Hi vision,
I've looked into this a bit more and we have a support case on the issue also.
I'm afraid it just isn't possible to insert the full request string in an email using FME Server 2012. With that release we made a big change in how emails are sent - using the notification service rather than an FME Engine process. This particular place holder did not get carried forward. We always try very hard to be backward compatible but this is case where we've obviously let something slip through and we apologize for that.
You are right there is a {request} element returned by the service but we don't have access to this with a placeholder in the email templates.
I've filed a task with our team to look at this issue but this is unlikely to be of any help to you in FME Server 2012.
Sorry we can't do more in this case,
Thanks for your assistance Ken - that support case might well be mine as I logged one with our vendor 1Spatial just the other day (19/12.) who got back to me yesterday with basically the same answer/information.
No worries - we will just have to live with it, until we upgrade to FME Server 2013.
Merry Xmas & a fantastic New Year to you! (that is assuming the world doesn't end today)