I am trying to take advantage of the Direct URL feature. In my use case, I am including links in messages such as emails, where if the user clicks it, it runs a workspace on FME server with the correct parameters that calls a REST API to create a new project on a particular server. The user gets a summary screen in a web browser that simply reports whether the workspace ran successfully or not, but does not relay any other information. It also asks the user to read the logfile for more info., but there are no logfile links on this page. Here's an example in FME Server 2017.1:
In the above case I added a Terminator so that if the feature comes out of the <Rejected> port of the HTTP caller, the workspace stops and results in an error. In this case I tried to create a project that already existed. Now the workspace does have this exact information in the response body from the server that it interacted with, but we have no way to route this information to the resulting summary page. It would be really useful if this was possible so the user would actually see what the failure is about (the above makes you think you need to re-run it or there is a problem with the workspace). The page doesn't even include a summary of what just ran, so for the end user this is not very useful unless they can infer that information from the URL in their browser. Thanks.