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I have got an environment with a set of Named Connections however I would like to test them without pushing up a workbench. Is this possible?

Hi @johnbyrnejb,

Interesting, why? eventually you will need to use a workspace....

I suggest you create a simple workspace set to read one feature per connection, to test your connections.

Hope this helps.

Hi @johnbyrnejb,

Interesting, why? eventually you will need to use a workspace....

I suggest you create a simple workspace set to read one feature per connection, to test your connections.

Hope this helps.

We have different environments and before I push the changes through each environment through the deployment process I would like to check ahead of the workspaces getting there and noticing I have an error.



But yes I feel like a workspace to test connections is the only way 😞



Hi @johnbyrnejb,

Interesting, why? eventually you will need to use a workspace....

I suggest you create a simple workspace set to read one feature per connection, to test your connections.

Hope this helps.

Plus when you create the workspace initally you can test it before you carry on.




you can test your database connections through the workbench under Tools>FME Options and then select your database connections. Your named connections are already defined here and if you select them there is a test button available which could use


you can test your database connections through the workbench under Tools>FME Options and then select your database connections. Your named connections are already defined here and if you select them there is a test button available which could use

I don't see a test button in the Database Connections tab of my FME Options of my FME Desktop. I've looked in Desktop 2016 and Desktop 2017. There is only a "Public" column. Where is the test button?



I don't see a test button in the Database Connections tab of my FME Options of my FME Desktop. I've looked in Desktop 2016 and Desktop 2017. There is only a "Public" column. Where is the test button?



Right-click on the Connection and select 'Test',


or open the Edit Parameters dialog and click the hTest] button.


Right-click on the Connection and select 'Test',


or open the Edit Parameters dialog and click the Test] button.


Yes, that works. You right-click and select Test.



Hi @johnbyrnejb,

Interesting, why? eventually you will need to use a workspace....

I suggest you create a simple workspace set to read one feature per connection, to test your connections.

Hope this helps.

The purpose is for FME Server. In ArcGIS Server you can test one or all of your data connections with a few clicks. Here's what it looks like.

This is more convenient than creating your own script.

Hi @johnbyrnejb,

Interesting, why? eventually you will need to use a workspace....

I suggest you create a simple workspace set to read one feature per connection, to test your connections.

Hope this helps.

Itay (I realise this is a bit old but see exactly where @johnbyrnejb is going.

We have developed a system using fme workbench and publishing the workbenches to server. For a "release" we create a project in Server and secure that (In TFS) and at some time later we will get to production where we want to import the project thereby releasing a known tested set of workbenches/automations/schedules.

We then need to create/update the data connections to point to the production database and for db connections this has to be done manually in FME Server. Ideally we then need to test this database connection, but using a workbench is not appropriate as we do not allow/want publication of workbenches to production. Also, we don't have a model which we can run adhoc without impacting the system.

Interestingly where we use arcgis arcsde connections we can achieve the above as the connection file is mastered in arcCatalog and can therefore be tested and is then loaded as a shared resource in server.

Is there any way yet of testing a db connection in Server?
