is it possible to create dynamic parameters for a FME reader? I am writing a FME reader and it would be great if you guys can give my some advice implementing the following idea. The reader parameters include some server information. Once the user enters this information, a connection is established to the server (as background job) and a list of layers (of a CityGML scene/file stored on the server) is given back from the server. This list appears in some way in the reader parameter window and the user can select multiple layers. All this should happened before the parameter window is closed. How can I do that?
If this is not possible: Can a run a (python) script before the user clicks the parameter button (inside the "Add reader" window)? Then, I could use the script to fetch the layer list from the server (using hard-coded server information) and provide the layer list as static information once the parameter window appears. Again, how can I do that?
Thanks for your support