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Does FME Server recognize spaces in file paths in a published workbench?

  • 25 July 2019
  • 8 replies

I'm using a path in an Esri geodatabase writer that contains a space in the path name - \\\\xxxxx\\gis\\SheriffsOffice\\Camera Information\\SO_Camera_Info.gdb. The workbench completes successfully (2019.1). When the workbench is published to FME Server and run, the path is truncated at the space form '\\\\xxxxx\\gis\\SheriffsOffice\\Camera.gdb' Is there a way to fix this?

8 replies

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I was able to update and correct the path in the "Published Parameters" for the file geodatabase before running the workspace in FME Server, but I wouldn't think this would be the optimal solution.

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Hi @billybob,

I'm sorry that you ran into this issue, the file path values should not be truncated if they contain a space on publishing to FME Server. I have been able to reproduce this issue in the latest 2019.2 beta so I have filed bug FMESERVER-13286 to get this fixed. I will update this post once this has been resolved.

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Thanks Holly!

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Hi @billybob,

I'm sorry that you ran into this issue, the file path values should not be truncated if they contain a space on publishing to FME Server. I have been able to reproduce this issue in the latest 2019.2 beta so I have filed bug FMESERVER-13286 to get this fixed. I will update this post once this has been resolved.

This issue has been fixed for FME Server 2019.1.3, 2019.2 and 2020.0.

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This issue has been fixed for FME Server 2019.1.3, 2019.2 and 2020.0.

Thanks Holly! That's great! I have FME Server 1.3.1 install, so I'll check it out.


In case anyone needs an immediate workaround to this issue (particularly with Automations), there are 2 options:

  • Use the UNC path with forward-facing slashes and no quotation marks around the path, i.e: //mynetdir/folder/myfile.txt
  • Create a new Global Key, set the value to the UNC path with backward slashes and 2 sets of double quotation marks. Then set the path parameter to this global key, i.e: global.key_name = ""\\\\mynetdir\\folder\\myfile.txt""
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Has this issue been resolved for the file path reader? We’re using FME 2021.0 and my workbench works fine on my computer, but fails when published to the server. The server has permissions to the folder. 

Our file path name has spaces and an ‘&’ and the server is breaking that up into 3 file paths rather than reading as one. I’ve tried the solutions mentioned here, but it’s still breaking it up. 

Our folder is: \\Server\Folder1\Planning & Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits

It works fine in FME desktop:

Path Reader: Opening the PATH Reader on folder '\\Server\Folder1\Planning & Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits'


But when published to the server:


81 2024-7-8 11:35:05 | Path Reader: Error opening the PATH Reader on folder '\\Server\Folder1\Planning'. Could not find folder.
91 2024-7-8 11:35:05 | Path Reader: Error opening the PATH Reader on folder '&'. Could not find folder.
101 2024-7-8 11:35:05 | Path Reader: Error opening the PATH Reader on folder 'Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits'. Could not find folder.
Userlevel 1
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Has this issue been resolved for the file path reader? We’re using FME 2021.0 and my workbench works fine on my computer, but fails when published to the server. The server has permissions to the folder. 

Our file path name has spaces and an ‘&’ and the server is breaking that up into 3 file paths rather than reading as one. I’ve tried the solutions mentioned here, but it’s still breaking it up. 

Our folder is: \\Server\Folder1\Planning & Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits

It works fine in FME desktop:

Path Reader: Opening the PATH Reader on folder '\\Server\Folder1\Planning & Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits'


But when published to the server:


81 2024-7-8 11:35:05 | Path Reader: Error opening the PATH Reader on folder '\\Server\Folder1\Planning'. Could not find folder.
91 2024-7-8 11:35:05 | Path Reader: Error opening the PATH Reader on folder '&'. Could not find folder.
101 2024-7-8 11:35:05 | Path Reader: Error opening the PATH Reader on folder 'Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits'. Could not find folder.


Hi arutherford,

Your issue is likely caused by the file path being separated by spaces. To prevent this, in the section of the workspace or the parameter you are calling this file path, add double quotations around the entire path. For example, enter the path as:

"\\Server\Folder1\Planning & Engineering\Engineering\On_Street_Construction_Permits"

Hope this helps!
