I use a custom transformation in the ArcGIS platform. It is a two step projection which uses the Ontario NAD83 grid file to project to NAD83 CSRS and then the second step is projecting from NAD83 CSRS to WGS84 geographic (LL). The two tranformations are:
ON_NAD83_NAD83CSRS_CustomTranf, (custom transformation set up in ESRI)
NAD_1983_CSRS_To_WGS_1984_2 (chosen ESRI transformation).
This two step process was recommended by ESRI Canada to import data into their ArcGIS Online format.
I have seen various articles for parts of this process in the FME Community but I guess I am looking for a stepwise list (e.g. obtain grid shift file from authority, create custom transformation in ESRI, etc.) to get the pieces of the puzzle in the right location to use in an FME workflow.