I am aware that 2018 FME added the ability to copy-paste between like transformers, however it does not appear that I am able to copy/paste between all like transformers.
An example of where this functionality does npt exist is when trying to copy a row between an AttributeCreator and an Attribute Manager or AttributeRenamer and an Attribute Manager or vice-versa. Copying rows would be useful when cleaning up/simplifying my processes for efficiency gains.
Digging into this a little bit, I found that when it comes to using conditional values for the new attributes I can for example copy the Conditional Values from the Attribute Creator... (See Edit note below)... While Conditional Values is positive functionality, in my opinion this is adding an unnecessary step, it should be simply.
I have seen essentially this same Idea marked as Released so maybe I'm missing something? Is there another Idea floating around out there that did not get implemented yet?
Examples of released Ideas include:
- https://knowledge.safe.com/content/idea/19504/copy-test-conditions-between-transformers.html
- https://knowledge.safe.com/content/idea/39425/provide-copy-past-functionality-for-attribute-mana.html
Thank you for the help!
I am using FME 64 bit 2018.1.1.2 Build 18586. The first bit of feed-back will be to update to the newer Build 18592, I have not done this yet due to an issue I experienced with the installation.
I deleted my previous Conditional Values comment (didn't see a text formatting option for strike out) to say this:
I just learned that you can copy & paste Conditional Values from one transformer to another without having to open the "Parameter Condition Definition" windows each time. While this is getting away from my question I figure someone else might benefit from this tid-bit.
The screenshots below show how this works from AttributeCreator to AttributeManager. Testing this functionality out led me to ask another question that can be found here: https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/90669/copy-paste-conditional-value-as-a-text-expression.html