This is by design. Parameters are initialized before running the workspace.
It's not entirly clear to me, but are you perhaps trying to set the attribute name from within the custom transformer? If so, that is not possible, you can only set the attribute name from the custom transformer instance.
Not possible, I'm inside the custom transformer:
OK, here I'm modifying the settings of the custom transformer instance:
This is by design. Parameters are initialized before running the workspace.
Thank you for answer. But is there any way to make it possible to define attribute name at the beginning of the process? Column name is not constant so I would like user to insert that name.
It's not entirly clear to me, but are you perhaps trying to set the attribute name from within the custom transformer? If so, that is not possible, you can only set the attribute name from the custom transformer instance.
Not possible, I'm inside the custom transformer:
OK, here I'm modifying the settings of the custom transformer instance:
Yes, I created it via Navigator. Because I want to use this in several transformers as Group By choice. Also it need to be chosen by user during running translation.
Thank you for answer. But is there any way to make it possible to define attribute name at the beginning of the process? Column name is not constant so I would like user to insert that name.
You could consider using a regular text field for the attribute name.
You could consider using a regular text field for the attribute name.
OK, inserting User Parameter as text in single apostrophes worked!