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Hi all!



I need the adjacent feature within a loop but I get the error that Attribute Manager is a blocking transformer and therefore it won't work.


I use blocking transformers in linked custom transformers all the time and it works fine.


Is there a particular reason that you can't use the Attribute Manager within a loop?





I don't think the AttributeManager is a blocking transformer per se, but it might be treated as such if you use the adjacent feature option. Could you elaborate on what you're trying to do?

Hi @redgeographics



Thanks for replying.



I think you're right but I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to use the same approach as when I use other blocking transformers.



I have several z-values that I need to subtract from each other in pairs. So I wanted to subtract the second value from the first value, the third value from the second value etc.


However I found out I didn't have to include the AttributeManager in the loop.




I don't think the AttributeManager is a blocking transformer per se, but it might be treated as such if you use the adjacent feature option. Could you elaborate on what you're trying to do?

Hi @redgeographics



Thanks for replying.



I think you're right but I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to use the same approach as when I use other blocking transformers.



I have several z-values that I need to subtract from each other in pairs. So I wanted to subtract the second value from the first value, the third value from the second value etc.


However I found out I didn't have to include the AttributeManager in the loop.




A possible workaround might be to use the VariableSetter / VariableRetriever transformers.
