Are you running on Windows? There seems to be a max file path length there of 259 characters which may come in to play here (it's not the same number as you're reporting but it's close enough to warrant suspicion)
Another thing, if you have lots of parameters with long values, might be the 2048 character limit on url's, as described here.
Are you running on Windows? There seems to be a max file path length there of 259 characters which may come in to play here (it's not the same number as you're reporting but it's close enough to warrant suspicion)
Another thing, if you have lots of parameters with long values, might be the 2048 character limit on url's, as described here.
Hi @redgeographics, thanks for the reply.
Yep, I'm pretty sure you are correct and it's the 259 character limit in Windows! I realised this morning that when the workspace is uploaded into FME Server it creates another sub-folder with the same name as the workspace within the "repositories" folder so you end up with :
C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\repositories\\repository_name\\subfolder_workspace_name\\workspace_name.fmw
I guess in the future I should keep my repository / workspace names nice and short and used the description field to provide the context instead...
Thanks for the help,