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Hi all,

after upgrading to FME 2018.1 we are not able to connect to MS SQL Server anymore. This seems to be due to an invalid connection parameter:

Using Java Reader Interface Version 2.0 (Oct 31, 2000) with module MSSQL_JDBC_SPATIAL to read data
MS SQL Server Spatial (JDBC) Reader: Preloading JDBC Driver Class ''
MS SQL Server Spatial (JDBC) Reader: Creating connection using connection string 'jdbc:sqlserver://************' and properties '{statementPoolingCacheSize=10, disableStatementPooling=false, integratedSecurity=false, user=************, encrypt=false, multiSubnetFailover=false, trustServerCertificate=true, applicationName=Safe Software FME, database=************, password=************}' The disableStatementPooling value false is not valid.

However, I don't see an option to control statement pooling on the connection or reader level. And even if I would, I'm kind of concerned what the performance impact might be if we would disable pooling...

We get this error only on FME Server 2018.1 (which is running inside a docker environment). On FME Workbench 2018.1 the same workspace runs without issues (on Windows and Mac OS). It also ran perfectly fine with FME Server 2017.1.

What can we do to get around this issue?


Never personnaly tried the Docker environment but what's your SQL Server version?

Are you using some kind of MS SQL Server Native Client?

Does the Docker is behind a Firewall? Maybe 2018.1 is using a different port to connect to SQL Server?

Maybe a quick look on this article would help you :

Never personnaly tried the Docker environment but what's your SQL Server version?

Are you using some kind of MS SQL Server Native Client?

Does the Docker is behind a Firewall? Maybe 2018.1 is using a different port to connect to SQL Server?

Maybe a quick look on this article would help you :

We are using the JDBC driver to connect to the database. And there is no firewall between FME and MsSQL.

Some more findings: we got the same error in FME Workbench on Windows. Actually, one colleague is running Windows 10 and another one is running Windows 7. Both run the same Workbench version (2018.1, build 18578) and the error only appears on Windows 7.

First I thought it might be the JDBC driver, but then it turned out that with FME Workbench 2019 Beta (which is using the exact same driver version than 2018: mssql-jdbc-6.5.0.jre8-preview.jar), we don't see this issue on the same machine where we get the error in 2018 (Windows 7).

Comparing the connection string between 2018 and 2019 showed that they both contain the parameter in doubt with the same value (disableStatementPooling=false).
