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No message length returned in FME Engine reponse

  • 26 December 2012
  • 3 replies

Hi there,



We are working with FME Server for the past four months, and we've noticed that sometimes, seemingly out of the blue we get an error like this one:



Mon-24-Dec-2012 06:44:08 PM   ERROR    Engine-Thread-<ServerName>-Engine1   401854 : No message length returned in FME Engine reponse


Mon-24-Dec-2012 06:44:08 PM   FATAL    Engine-Thread-<ServerName>-Engine1   401872 : Failed to get translation result. Returning failed result.


Mon-24-Dec-2012 06:44:09 PM   WARN     Engine-Thread-<ServerName>-Engine1   402615 : Job 8469 failed and has been resubmitted. This is resubmittal 1 out of a maximum of 3.


Mon-24-Dec-2012 06:44:09 PM   INFORM   Engine-Thread-<ServerName>-Engine1   401936 : Disconnected FME Engine: Engine1 on host <ServerName>



We are using FME(R) 2012 SP4 20120926 - Build 12266 with only one Engine running on a 64-bit Linux environment with 4 Gb of RAM, and we are currently in a testing phase - meaning we send an average of more than 500 requests per day. There is also an ArcIMS 9.3 running next to FME server, and using the same RAM.



I've tried to look for this error online, but so far couldn't find anything relevant. Could this be a performance issue? Has anyone experienced this before?






3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +24
This is so specific that I would have submitted it to safe support directly. I do not know how many use the Linux environment with FME. Would be nice to get some figures from safe regarding this. And how different the Linux version is.
Thanks for the reply, I probably will. I intended to email them, I was just curious as to whether or not anyone had this same issue before.



When I send them the email, I will ask them about some statistics regarding Linux users and post them here when they write back.

We are also having the same issue. We had 4 engines disconnected this morning.


We are also having the same issue. This morning I had 4 engines disconnected. I have to go to task monitor and kill them to get them to start back up. We are using Windows server 2012 R2
