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We are new to migration from Windows FME to Linux and welcome suggestions and recommendations.

Generally speaking, workspaces should continue to work on Linux the same way they did on Windows, although there may be some things to check for:

  • Format compatibility, not all formats are available on all platforms, see under "Compare by platforms"
  • File paths (c:\\users\\lizard vs /home/lizard, for example) that may be hard-coded or are expected to look a certain way

There may be more, but it's difficult to say without knowing more about your existing workspaces.

Generally speaking, workspaces should continue to work on Linux the same way they did on Windows, although there may be some things to check for:

  • Format compatibility, not all formats are available on all platforms, see under "Compare by platforms"
  • File paths (c:\\users\\lizard vs /home/lizard, for example) that may be hard-coded or are expected to look a certain way

There may be more, but it's difficult to say without knowing more about your existing workspaces.

While an absolute Windows path (e.g. starting with C:\\) is obviously Linux incompatible, we try very hard to make relative (usually to workspace) paths compatible across platforms. despite slash direction differences. If any workspace fails entirely because of slash direction, please raise a bug report!

For the first instance, I am interested in finding out key implications regarding the migration. In our team, staff members are experienced in using FME in Windows operation environment. What are the implications if I ask them to work in the Linux environment. What do they need to know to expeditiously adapt to working in the Linux environment. What help do they need to have without interrupting the continuity of the business.


What key knowledge do they need to do so?

Do they need to start from the scratch with Linux FME?


For the first instance, I am interested in finding out key implications regarding the migration. In our team, staff members are experienced in using FME in Windows operation environment. What are the implications if I ask them to work in the Linux environment. What do they need to know to expeditiously adapt to working in the Linux environment. What help do they need to have without interrupting the continuity of the business.


What key knowledge do they need to do so?

Do they need to start from the scratch with Linux FME?


The FME user interface is practically 100% identical between the operating systems, of course excepting OS-specific widgets such as file selection dialogs, etc.

Based on your questions, my recommendation is to start with one reference user for a short evaluation period before switching the whole team over to Linux. The workspace files developed on Linux are compatible with the Windows version, and vice versa, so it should not be an issue.
