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FME2013SP1 fresh install and old scripts not working

  • 4 April 2013
  • 7 replies

Just upgraded from 2011 FME ESRI edition to 2013SP1 x86 ESRI edition build 13450.  Had several workbench scripts that were working fine in the 2011 version, now the 2013 ones won't work.


I've got ArcGIS10.0 SP1 installed, Win 7 x64, SDE server reading from is ArcSDE 9.3.1 SP something, writing to ArcSDE 10.1 SP something (no, not every server is the same).


When I run the older script, it gives a fatal error of:


The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147220969'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Must be the owner to perform this operation.}


I've changed nothing in the original script, nor have I changed the password or anything on the SDE databases and am using the data owners - as evidenced that I can access them both thru ArcCatalog.


Is there something that has changed drastically with the new version and how do I get these to work?  Also, when writing a new script or adding a new writer, it was writing all of the data into new feature datasets rather than into just a feature class.  If I want to put items into a feature dataset, I usually set that in the parameters.


I've got data to update soon so these old scripts need to work!



7 replies

Badge +19
These types of issues can always be a challenge to troubleshoot and often they turn out to be a compatibility issue between versions of FME and ESRI. In this case always start here and see if it sheds any light on the issue, it's a frequently updated page:



That error message looks suspiciously like a permissions issue though.
Badge +5
Checked the compatiblity - not the issue.  The permissions are not an issue either as just prior to running the FME script (that was working with FME 2011), I ran a data model in ArcCatalog with the same user id.


Any other ideas?  Otherwise, I have to back down the FME version again and this is the first time in over a decade that I have had any issues with upgrading FME.


Userlevel 5



just a quick idea: the first release of FME2013 (before SP1) had a bug where some reader parameters where mistakenly carried over to the writer when both where of the ESRI kind. This has supposedly been fixed in SP1, but it might still be an idea to check for it.



To test if this is the issue here: insert an AttributeKeeper just before your writer feature types, including only the attributes that are defined in the writer. This way you are guaranteed to get rid of any excess internal attributes that might be passed down from the reader (these are not always visible in the workbench except when explicitly exposed).



If this helps you might want to report this to Safe, as it is most probably a bug.



Badge +5
Okay, well, I uninstalled FME2013SP1 and installed FME2012SP4.  That worked, my scripts as they were written are working properly.



So evidently there is something with 2013SP1 and using Arc10 and ArcSDE9.3.1.


Besides the 'must be owner to perform this operation' which I was using the exact same user/script that I just did with 2012, if creating a new script, all the feature classes would be put into the original name from the first db as the feature dataset.  I.E.  db_name.data_owner.fc_name > then new name that I was giving it, that is the weirdest thing I have ever seen FME doing in the 15+ years that I have used it.  As stated before, this is also the very first time that I have had an issue with an upgrade in the same time period.



David mentioned reporting as a bug, how do you do that?  Is there a specific webpage for that?


Userlevel 5
Badge +36

Hi Lorinda,


Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this problem. Please do report it to our support team so that we can investigate and fix the issue.



You can get in touch with them at:






Mark Ireland


Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc.
Userlevel 5



did you try the trick with the AttributeKeeper? Your latest description sounds exactly like the bug I mentioned below: the input feature dataset would be automatically applied to the output, provoking an error if FME was unable to create it (missing permissions, database locks, etc)



The AttributeKeeper workaround might get you by until Safe gets this fixed permanently.



Badge +5
Just an update.  I've been using 2013SP4 and still have the same issues of the 'must be the owner to perform this operation'; and now it is adding datasets that are a concatenation of the database name, owner name and the original dataset in any filegeodatabase that I am writing to.  Hope that the 2014 version has fixed these issues as I have to use later version since I am now using the joiner to access data in file geodatabases too.  Unfortunately, these two issues are still coming up even in 2014.



Can you have a dual install of FME?  Looks like I need to have 2012 and 2013/14 installed in order to do everything that I need to do.



