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Hello, I have received a new FME server engine license file and on uploading it from the user interface

I get error “Error: The license file failed to load”

The core server.log has entries-

Wed-23-Oct-2019 08:02:58.644 AM ERRORRequestHandler-Thread 401979 : Missing FME Server license, or license disallows FME Engine registration.

Wed-23-Oct-2019 08:02:58.644 AM INFORMRequestHandler-Thread 401936 : Disconnected FME Engine: BOPFME_Engine1 on host BOPFME

Wed-23-Oct-2019 08:02:58.644 AM ERRORRequestHandler-Thread 401939 : Failed to register FME Engine.


The engine log has entries

2019-10-23 07:53:55| 0.3|0.3|INFORM|FME(R) 2019.1.2.0 (20190829 - Build 19630 - WIN64)

2019-10-23 07:53:55| 0.3|0.0|INFORM|FME_INSTANCE_NAME BOPFME_Engine1

2019-10-23 07:53:55| 0.3|0.0|INFORM|Registering with FME Server on host 'BOPFME'...

2019-10-23 07:53:55| 0.3|0.0|ERROR |FME Engine failed to register with FME Server 'BOPFME' on port 7070. Failed to verify message authenticity


I have tries restarting the FME Server system services. The troubleshooting guides suggest it might be a problem with permissions. I have the services running under their own user account but this has not changes and all the folders have permissions defined for that user. I have also tried turning the windows firewall off and am able to netstat port 7070.


Has anyone else come across this or can offer some suggestions?

Many Thanks

Probably ok, but can you open the license-file in a text editor and make sure that it is for FME Server (and not FME Desktop) - I had a client uploading the wrong licensefile previously.

It is for server, but thanks for suggesting this. We were previously running under a trial license and this is a permanent license.

Can this be related? At least the same error message

It's sorted now. The team at Safe who issued the license were very helpful. They suggested-

One thing that might be worth trying if you haven't been able to get this to work yet is to manually place the file in the licensing directory.



By default the directory is C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\licenses but I know clients will often deviate from the default. Once the file is in place please be sure to restart FME Server.



This worked for me. So all good now.
