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I have a hard time with SLL configuration.

I was following this Configuring for HTTPS


I finish all steps without any error messages, however, when I try to open FMEServer by using HTTPS I receiving an unsafe window error

I have also edited all files as it was shown in the above-mentioned guidelines. Certificated also were added

in the windows trusted certificates list.

I am non-SSL guy but can the problem be that the installed certificate cipher suite "AES_128_CBC " is an old version and must be replaced with new "AES-GCM" cipher suite? I have marked the message about this on my unsafe error screenshot.

How can I fix this?

I am using FMEServer 2019.0 (19212) Beta and Google Chrome

Thank you for your help in advance.


In your screenshot it says that the certification path is "", surely that cannot be right?

In your screenshot it says that the certification path is "", surely that cannot be right?

Hi David

How the proper path structure should look like?

For this particular case, I used from the guideline.


Hi David

How the proper path structure should look like?

For this particular case, I used from the guideline.


I am by no means an expert, but I suspect that you should use your proper server name, not the example name.

I am by no means an expert, but I suspect that you should use your proper server name, not the example name.

I have tried many different path examples without any success :(

It would be very helpful if HTTPS would be supported by default.

Anyway, thank you very much for your help.

Hi @linkas

Just to check, are you following the steps for configuring a self-signed certificate for FME Server?

From looking at the screenshot you provided, I believe @david_r is correct that the hostname set within the keystore file that you create in step 1 of those instructions should be the hostname that you would use when connecting to the FME Server web interface in a browser. It does look like you have most of the other configuration settings set up correctly as FME Server is recognizing that you are using an SSL certificate. So, I think the issue is mainly with the certificate itself.

If you're still having trouble with this, would you mind sending us a support case through: We can help you dig into this a bit more.

