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Allow FME Server to connect through the proxy server

We have a corporate proxy server in our organisation. We have this server configured in our desktop version of FME successfully. We have just started trialling FME server and running a workbench returns the following error for a HTTPCaller

  • (HTTPFactory): HTTP/FTP transfer error: 'SSL connect error'
  • (HTTPFactory): Please ensure that your network connection is properly set up
  • (HTTPFactory): No proxy settings have been entered. If you require a proxy to access external URLs, please ensure the appropriate information has been entered

I'm assuming this is because we have to configure a proxy for our FME Server application however I can find no information regarding this issue.

Have a look at the documentation:

Unfortunately Google seems to have a hard time indexing the FME documentation pages.

Have a look at the documentation:

Unfortunately Google seems to have a hard time indexing the FME documentation pages.

Is there any way to view the applied settings? Is there any way to remove the applied settings (username/password)?

EDIT: Removed an original comment about administrative privilege as my mistake was not running command prompt as administrator.

Is there any way to view the applied settings? Is there any way to remove the applied settings (username/password)?

EDIT: Removed an original comment about administrative privilege as my mistake was not running command prompt as administrator.

You can view the applied settings by excuting


You can probably remove settings by setting them to an empty string (I say probably because I haven't tested).

You can view the applied settings by excuting


You can probably remove settings by setting them to an empty string (I say probably because I haven't tested).

Thanks, that allows me to list them, and you can set values to an empty string, but there is no way I can find to remove a setting all together. This is just me being pedantic, but the APPLY_SETTINGS lets you add any setting, including typos and gibberish. It would be nice to be able to clean up the settings.

We are getting this error when trying to utilize the Dashboards and we are not using a proxy server. Does anyone know how to resolve this error?



Have a look at the documentation:

Unfortunately Google seems to have a hard time indexing the FME documentation pages.

We are getting this error when trying to utilize the Dashboards and we are not using a proxy server. Does anyone know how to resolve this error?



Have a look at the documentation:

Unfortunately Google seems to have a hard time indexing the FME documentation pages.

Hi, did you find any way to clean up settings? I have added a proxy change and would like to reset it to default.

Hi, did you find any way to clean up settings? I have added a proxy change and would like to reset it to default.

Starting FME Server 2019 you can specify the proxy settings in the GUI, which I would recommend.

If you need to turn off (disable) the proxy settings defined on the command line, this should do the trick:

fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Proxy/Proxy Setting" "" 

Have a look at the documentation:

Unfortunately Google seems to have a hard time indexing the FME documentation pages.

Hi again, yes this is what I have done. But now I get another problem and want to reset the settings to default. How is this done?

Hi again, yes this is what I have done. But now I get another problem and want to reset the settings to default. How is this done?

I'm not sure I understand. This should disable the use of the system proxy, which is the default setting.

Have a look at the documentation:

Unfortunately Google seems to have a hard time indexing the FME documentation pages.

Ok, i implemented this

fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Proxy/Proxy Setting" "" 

Now I want to revert it to default setings, so that it uses the FME proxy in the GUI of FME Server 2019. Do you know how this is done?



Thanks for the help:)

Ok, i implemented this

fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Proxy/Proxy Setting" "" 

Now I want to revert it to default setings, so that it uses the FME proxy in the GUI of FME Server 2019. Do you know how this is done?



Thanks for the help:)

Good question. I don't know.  If that didn't work, then contact Safe support.

@david_r​  - How do we revert the applied proxy settings?

@david_r​  - How do we revert the applied proxy settings?

Hi @fmeuser_gc​ ,


I hapened upon this very old thread and noticed you posted recently..


I believe the official method of reverting the proxy in this way is as follows:

fme.exe APPLY_SETTINGS SYSTEM "Proxy/Proxy Setting" "No Proxy"

Good luck!

