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Hi list.

I got a curious error in a workspace, which I needed to update.

I needed to update some schema references (from .../1/... to .../2/...) and thought that it was a good idea to create a private user text parameter, containing the "2" needing to be inserted.

However, this yielded a strange error when applied to the root expression in my XMLTemplater. Something like this: "... can not expand namespace prefix to URI"

Is it correct that XMLTemplater cannot use user parameters replacements ?

And if so, why not ?

Aren't these applied to whatever parameters a transformer may have, prior to its execution ?


A potential work-around may be to create a variable with the root expression, and do the replacements there prior to using it in XMLTemplater.

Is this a viable work-around ?

What happens if you create an attribute and set that to the value of the parameter and use that in your XML templater?
