Using FME Desktop 2013 Build 13262 on a Win 7 Pro 64 Bit environment, I obtain polygon as well as curvepolygon objects from within one and the same INTERLIS table as source. I want to write to a PostGIS 2.0 table where the feature representation is defined as:
geometrie geometry
CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geometrie CHECK (st_ndims(geometrie) = 2),
CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geometrie CHECK (geometrytype(geometrie) = 'CURVEPOLYGON'::text OR geometrie IS NULL),
From FME I obtain the below error message:
Error executing SQL command ('INSERT INTO "gueterzettel"."dmg24bodnkung_boflaeche" ("t_id", "t_type", "qualitaet", "art", "t_lastchange", "t_createdate", "t_user", "entstehung", "geometrie") values (456600001, E'4566_590011997', E'AV93', E'Gebaeude', NULL, NULL, NULL, E'410000050', GeomFromEWKT('SRID=2056;POLYGON ((2710489.569 1267666.833,2710484.868 1267671.265,2710482.748 1267669.017,2710480.423 1267666.55,2710481.529 1267665.507,2710478.463 1267662.283,2710481.285 1267659.603,2710484.121 1267656.911,2710487.337 1267653.76...'): 'ERROR: new row for relation "dmg24bodnkung_boflaeche" violates check constraint "enforce_geotype_geometrie"
According to the PostGIS documentation "A CURVEPOLYGON is just like a polygon, with an outer ring and zero or more inner rings. The difference is that a ring can take the form of a circular string, linear string or compound string.".
How can I make FME write the pure polygon features correctly to the PostGIS curvepolygon table?