
when exporting polyline features to mapinfo format using FME writer, the polylines are exported as a single line.

  • 17 April 2014
  • 3 replies

when exporting polyline features from our source to mapinfo format using FME writer, the polylines are exported as a single line. All the y coordinates are having the same value in the exported mapinfo file when viewed in FME data inspector.



We are using UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator) as projection algorithm and NAD 27  as map datum in the coordinate system file for export.



The same is working fine for Arcview format when we use the same coordinate system file.



Please suggest some solution to achieve proper transformation in this case. We doubt if this is a bug in FME for map info format as the problem could not be seen with other formats.



Also, please provide some information on using userdefined coordinate system information while using FME writer. 



Any help is greatly aprreciated. Thank You. 

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13
I would start here (


i couldnt understand why the problem is seen with map info only and not with arcview as we are using the same coordinate system information in both the cases. I think NAD27 datum is causing the problem.



we are using this in our export code written in VB: 



Private m_fmeSessionObj         As FMEOSession


m_fmeSessionObj.coordSysManager.defineCoordSys fmestraryCSParms, m_sFMECSName



Here the fmestraryCSParms is FMEOStringArray that contains the coordinate information such as the projection algorithm and map datum which we give asinput to the defineCoordSys method on fmesession object which will return the coordinate system name - 'm_sFMECSName'



And further when we create the FME writer object to write the features to output file format, we do the following:



'create writer


Set m_fmeWriterObj = m_fmeSessionObj.createWriter(sDestFormat, fmestraryUserDirAry)



'Set the writer parameters


Set fmestraryWriterPara = m_fmeSessionObj.createStringArray



'append the coordinate system info obtained from the defineCoordSys method used earlier on fmesession object as a key value pair to the stringarray


fmestraryWriterPara.Append "COORDINATE_SYSTEM"


fmestraryWriterPara.Append m_sFMECSName



'finally open the writer and use it for writing to targed format


m_fmeWriterObj.Open sDestDataset, fmestraryWriterPara



Considering this as the code that we are using, i would like to know why this is failing for NAD27 datum only and that to for map info format only.. is this a bug in FME? or are we missing to initialize any specific attribute for mapinfo format? Please clarify??
can someone please clarify my doubt posted above
