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I am trying to remove isolated islands (i.e. real islands in the sea) from a dataset that also contains intersecting polygons. There are also isolated islands inside the intersecting polygons and I need to ensure that they are kept.



I was thinking of using a spatial relation string in a spatial filter rather than one of the standard constraints. Can anyone tell me how I should go about this? If it is possible then what is the format please? Is this the right way to go about it?
Hi. Do you have a screenshot of some of your cases? (intersecting and non-intersecting polygons)?
Anyway, I think you are on the right track. Using the Spatialfilter with INTERSECT will filter out all the INTERSECTING polygons through the PASSED port. So you only have non-intersecting polygons (in your case, also these are islands) on the FAILED port. Do you have a small example data-set that you can upload with these cases?
U can use a relator to set the ..well relations.


A simple intersect will do.



The atributes that result in _relationships{}pass{} (Wich u have to expose) and _related_candidates will make it easy to isolate the true islands. A tester then can isolate the desired objects.


This does requires unique attributes, like an ID or name.



As i understand you have 1 dataset, u must enter same set in base and candidate ports. The lone islands will only intersect with themselves, wich u can test trough the _related_candidates attribute.


