SpatialRelator should be suitable for that task. You can either specify INSIDE or INTERSECT for your test criteria.
in 2012 it is either within or contains, depending on the order of your filtering.
If u use intersect u might need to fliter out objects that marginally cross, overlap or touch and are (more ) outside of the objects that are suppose to contain. Unless that's what u want of course.
U can use compound testers for that.
Or even in the realtor expressionvalues using areacalculation etc.
Lots of options do the same thing.
In my case I'm working with points, to which I want to add the attributes of its containing polygon (each point has 0 or 1 containing polygons, and there are definitely several hundred points which have a containing polygon). However on running the Spatial Relator no attributes are added. I have also tried using the Spatial Filter and the PointOnAreaOverlay and neither of these add attributes either.
In my case I'm working with points, to which I want to add the attributes of its containing polygon (each point has 0 or 1 containing polygons, and there are definitely several hundred points which have a containing polygon). However on running the Spatial Relator no attributes are added. I have also tried using the Spatial Filter and the PointOnAreaOverlay and neither of these add attributes either.
@paddymas, I had the same problem today and I ended up using PolygonOnAreaOverlayer and a TestFilter with 670K points on 32K grids. My translation picked up 8100 grids without 0 overlaps in 17 minutes. My cardinality was 0 to many points on one grid. Number of points per grid is the overlap attribute of the POAO transformer.
NeighborFinder could do the same.
Use the smaller areas as BASE and the larger as CANDIDATE.
Set maximum distance to 0 and do not treat polygons as line.
How do you select the smaller area and the largest ?
Thank you