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Dear FME community, apologies up front for being a novice python user

I am trying to use the python caller transformer to execute an external .py file. However my external .py file does not have any classes therefore I don’t know what to do with the ‘Class to process features’ parameter in the transformer. If I run the python caller regardless, it executes my .py script fine, but crashes at the end with this error message “PythonFactory failed to load python symbol `FeatureProcessor'”. This is because I’m using the default ‘FeatureProcessor’ as my parameter for the “class to process features”, which I know is wrong.

My python script simply generates a JPG file and saves it to a directory.

I hope someone can assist and I haven’t totally missed the point.

Regards, Damian

Hi Damian, can you share your PythonCaller input? Also: do you want to run your .py for every feature that passes onto your PythonCaller, or do you have to run it only once per translation. If the latter: in the Navigator window you can set a Python shutdown/startup script (under Workspace Parameters > Scripting).

Try something like the following in your PythonCaller:

import fmeobjects
import my_python_file

def FeatureProcessor(feature):

This will call my_function() in the external Python file “” for each incoming feature. The incoming feature, of type fmeobjects.FMEFeature, will be passed as a parameter.

Dear @joepk, @david_r , thank you for your responses.

@joepk, I only need to run my .py script once per translation. I have indeed successfully used the python startup script to run my file, however, i don’t need to execute my .py file every time I run my FME script. My preference is to use workspace parameters with user input so that I can choose when to run the .py file (not essential, but nice to have - my python script updates an external JPG map, but the map doesn’t need to be updated every time I run the FME script, only sometimes). My python caller input is below.

@david_r, thank you very much for your suggestion but my python caller doesn’t have any incoming features (described above).

Regards, Damian

import os

def run_script(script_path):

# Execute the script using execfile
exec(open(script_path, 'r').read())

script_to_run = "Q:\AoAM\Outputs\Images\"

# Run the script


If you do not want to run your python script every time you run this workspace and if it is not triggered by any event in your workspace, I would either omit it from the workspace and run it ‘manually’ or I would try to get the requirements for having to run the script into the workspace, in order to trigger it. 
