"The clause 'TEST @EvaluateExpression(STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>Sort<closeparen>,TestFilter) = 1 ENCODED' within 'FACTORY_DEF * TestFactory FACTORY_NAME TestFilter_TestFactory_0 INPUT FEATURE_TYPE TestFilter_TESTFILTERINPUTLINE_0 TEST @EvaluateExpression(STRING_ENCODED,<at>Value<openparen>Sort<closeparen>,TestFilter) = 1 ENCODED BOOLEAN_OPERATOR OR COMPOSITE_TEST_EXPR <Unused> OUTPUT PASSED FEATURE_TYPE TestFilter_attribute OUTPUT FAILED FEATURE_TYPE TestFilter_TESTFILTERINPUTLINE_1' is incorrect. TEST must look like: TEST <value> <operator> <value>"
I can't quite tell where this error is coming from. From the log file, it looks like it is reading the first sub directory for the Source_Dataset but fails before it examines the next sub directory.
Here are some of the lines from my .bat file
set /p DNC= Please keyin 'region' and press ENTER.
set PAR=%1
set ORG=%PAR%\\old_data\\%DNC%
set NEW=%PAR%\\%DNC%
set DIF=%PAR%\\differences
set WB=\\\\server\\Additional_tools\\change\\chg.fmw
fme.exe %WB% --SourceDataset_VPF %ORG%\\**\\*.* --DestDataset_CSV %DIF% --PROJECT_DIR %PAR% --ADD_gmp_FM0 %DIF%\\changes.mdb --DNC_REG %DNC% --SourceDataset_VPF_3 %NEW%\\**\\*.* --FANOUT_DIRECTORY %DIF%
I'm not quite sure where to start looking, any tips would be appriciated.