I would be very grateful if someone could help me
I would be very grateful if someone could help me
I do not know what a Smallworld geometry really means in your context, could you please expand? What type of geometry is allowed?
Sorry I responded so late but I have problems with my fme.
I meant if, for example, I have a reader from a postgres table (which represents a line and its attributes).On the other hand I have a table of Smallworld whose main geometry is "route".
How do I indicate on my workbench the relationship between geometry?
A postgres record has 3 geometric fields (different projections, but i dont know if these fields are important)
Thanks, and sorry if I have not explained my question well
This instruction can be applied to Smallworld FME Translator (not the SBS plugin). Getting the geometry into Smallworld is done with an attribute called smallworld_geometry{0}.sworld_name. You can use AttributeCreator to create the attribute smallworld_geometry{0}.sworld_name and give route for the value of the attribute. Just to be sure, you should expose attribute sworld_geometry{0}.sworld_name from the feature type properties and Format Attributes tab.
If you have multiple geometries then smallworld_geometry{1}, smallworld_geometry{2}, etc. can be used.