
Statistic calculator working with dates

  • 27 November 2012
  • 4 replies

Hi guys,


I'm interested in having a statisatic calculator that would work with dates. I'd like to return the most recent date of an object set "group by" tile_ID.


Is there a way I could do this without a python caller?







4 replies

Badge +21
Not sure if this is what you are after, but it might help anyway :)



I assume you have a DATE-attribute = 2012-12-10



Then you can use an attributesplitter on - and get a list, and rename these to something else



dates(0) = 2012, rename to year


dates(1) = 12, rename to month


dates(2) = 10, rename to day



Then you can use an Aggreagator on Tile_ID and a sorter to sort on Year, Date, Day for each Tile_ID.





Userlevel 4
Badge +13
Hi JP,



It would help if you can specify your date attribute format and type.


Userlevel 4
Badge +13
If you are using oracle a simple StatisticsCalculator will return the max of the date attribute and you can group it by a tile ID.



I think I got the answer from you both. I use a date formatter to make sure I got FME Date (%Y%m%d) and then I can use the statistique calculator with "group by" tile_ID.



I tried earlier but with non conventional date format and got an error message from the StatCalculator.



