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Hello there

I work with polylines in an ESRI Personal Geodatabase and want to shorten every polyline by distance using the Snipper. But for certain features there are more than one remnant. I guess, the reason is because features consist of Paths. Do I have to split Paths first and then use the Snipper for Lines and Arcs separately?

Thank you for every hint.

Hi @reto_meier You should be able to split paths. Are only path features resulting in more than one remnant? Can you send your workspace and sample data to ?

Hi @reto_meier You should be able to split paths. Are only path features resulting in more than one remnant? Can you send your workspace and sample data to ?

Thanks for your answer. I use the Snipper in a loop to cut a line regularly. The length of all snipped lines is higher than the input line. I could correct the effect using the ArcStroker and the GeometryRefiner before the Snipper.


I sent a simplified workspace with sample data to FME Support.



@reto_meier Arc handling with the Snipper appears to have been fixed for FME 2017. The ArcStroker and GeometryRefiner are no longer required.


Hi @reto_meier You should be able to split paths. Are only path features resulting in more than one remnant? Can you send your workspace and sample data to ?

@reto_meier Arc handling with the Snipper appears to have been fixed for FME 2017. The ArcStroker and GeometryRefiner are no longer required.


@reto_meier Arc handling with the Snipper appears to have been fixed for FME 2017. The ArcStroker and GeometryRefiner are no longer required.


Thank you for your help.


