Please advise me to clear the snap error in x,y,z
Thanks in advance
Please advise me to clear the snap error in x,y,z
Thanks in advance
take a look at the Snapper and the AnchoredSnapper. Consider using the Group By-clause, if possible.
I have tried with two option i don't know where i am doing wrong.
Please advise me
remember that tolerance is in ground units of the input dataset. Make sure that the input dataset has a defined coordinate system.
To debug, try to temporarily remove the Group By-clause and to increase the Tolerance value.
My idea for a workaround is:
1) Transform polygons into individual vertex points.
2) Apply a Snapper. The points will be processed in X-Y coordinate system.
3) Extract coordinates (x, y, z) using a CoordinateExtractor.
4) Replace every point with new point (x, z, y) using a VertexCreator (Mode: Replace with Point).
5) Apply a Snapper. The points will be processed in X-Z coordinate system.
6) Extract coordinates (x, z, y) using a CoordinateExtractor.
7) Replace every point with new point (x, y, z) using a VertexCreator (Mode: Replace with Point).
8) Re-create polygons from the points.
Regarding the way of transforming polygons into vertex points and re-creating polygons, see this thread again.
Edit Vertex Z value in polygon (
In addition, if you filter the points with a Matcher (Match Geometry: 2D) after the 1st Snapper, it could become more efficient.
... even so, it looks inefficiently. Are there any other idea?
I have tried as you suggested but its not snapping properly.
Please advise me.
is there any option with python caller.
Would you please explain concretely about the contents of unexpected result?
After run the workbench
I have tried with different tolerance. in some place z value is adjusted, XY also change where before its correct.
If there were unused vertices, try this.
1) Insert another Counter after the Chopper to append sequential number to every vertex.
Count Output Attribute: _count2
2) Insert a Sorter before the PointConnector to restore the order of vertices.
Sorting Attribute: _count2, Numeric, Ascending
I have tried with your suggestion, but its not snapping, looks same before I shown screens.
is there any chance with python or any custom transformer
This is also a test regarding the Chetter
Assume vertices matching on XY also should have the same Z.
Is there any option to set Z tolerance.
If you need Z tolerance option, it will have to be improved.
Below shown screen shot marked with red color roof need to snap and marked with blue color roof should not snap.
Please advise me.
It's not true 3D snapping logic, is a kind of "corner-cutting" algorithm. But it probably can be used to satisfy your requirement.
Thanks for updation,
below screen shot
Brown color roofs are original and yellow color roofs are generated with 3DPolygonSnapper _V4 transformer. after run the workbench some polygons are not coming.
is there any z value filter option within same match_id points or any loop filter and then we can use previous version 3DPolygonSnapper custom transformer.
If lines have appeared there, try adding these two transformers.
1) Insert a Snipper before the Snapper. The Snipper with this setting transforms a polygon into a line by removing end vertex.
Snipping Mode: Vertex
Starting Vertex: 0
Ending Vertex: -2
2) Insert a LineCloser between LINE of the PointConnector and the AttributeRemover. It transforms a line into a polygon by adding end vertex which matches with start vertex.
Thanks for the support to achieve my goal and I have done it as per your guidance its working fine.
I updated the workspace file in the Chatter.