Hi @mickael,
Move to Local Coordinate System will put the Sketchup origin near the center of your data, then calculate the lat/long of the origin from your source coordinate system. This lat/long is then set as the Sketchup geolocation. This process should locate your model in its proper position in the world, while keeping the cordinate values low enough for Sketchup's 32 bit coordinates.
The CommonLocalReprojector transformer does basically the same thing, and can be used instead of the Move to Local option. We have an outstanding enhancement request to add an option to explicitly set the origin point for this transformer, and I will notify you as soon as this is available.
I am attaching a stub workspace illustrating how to convert to a local coordinate system with the desired origin point set in the User Parameters. This reproduces to logic of Move to Local using other transformers. You can start with this workspace to build your Sketchup conversion. The origin should be set using coordinate values from your source data coordinate system.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for explanations ! I tried to add your stub to my project, but unfortunately, the model isn't localised anymore, and my origin is very far from my 3D scene, causing several issues.