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I would like to use FME to select cadastre polygons that are listed in excel.

I have excel with column that have land parcels number(s) and column with name of cadastral plan and some more additional data in another column.

Land parcels excel cells sometimes have more than one land parcels and they are delimited with comma. After selecting one I would like to add additional attribute values to polygon and export it to new shape file. All land parcels are exported to one common shape file.

Hi @vladimir,

I believe the transformer necessary your case to merge informations between two Source Data is FeatureMerger.

To split your information from excel in comma, you can use the transformer Attributesplitter = Separator comma. So a list attributes will be create.



Alternatively, read the Excel file, extract the parcel number (as @danilo_inovacao says, AttributeSplitter would help), and use a FeatureReader to read that parcel from the source data.

It depends on the source format, but that could give much better performance - eg if you are reading a feature from a database. If all your polygons are stored in a single shapefile, then not so much.
